Happy birthday, Eric!

Hello Eric! Happy birthday! I hope you are enjoying the nice hot weather. You know me, I miss the snow but you are definitely a heat-loving-bug. How much disc-golf have you been playing? I bet you are just living on the course now. After our small break let’s do our first summer interview! Ready up!

What do you think you have accomplished since your last birthday?

Survived. But also put on a disc golf tournament that had the highest attendance ever for Regina.

What one quality about yourself are you most proud of?

I can throw a piece of plastic over 300 feet.

Do you sleep with your eyes open or closed?

Depends on the mood of my cat…

If you could make a rule for a day and everyone had to follow it, what would it be?

Everyone must give me 1$.

Thank you! I was very much looking forward to this interview and I appreciate your insightful answers. Now go relax in some A/C, enjoy a nice patio beverage, or (what I’m guessing you will pick) throw around a few discs! If anyone is interested in checking out disc golf head to rdga.ca. Don’t forget sunscreen and bug spray!