Happy Birthday, Riley!

Good day Riley! It is your day and you have been given the honor of being my LAST birthday interview. I think yours will probably be the most insightful of them all. I have prepared you for this special moment, so I hope you are ready to answer the best questions I have ever thought out. Ready, set, go!

What do you think you have accomplished since your last birthday?

What usually keeps you up at night when you can’t sleep?

How would you politely end a conversation with a person who is very annoying?

If you could sit next to a famous celebrity in a restaurant, who would it be?

That was great! I think the most detailed and well-thought-out interview yet. I guess it is good to end the series on a high-note. Thank you, Riley. I hope you have a fantastic birthday and enjoy a fancy charcuterie board with your wife!

Thank you everyone who read and enjoyed these birthday interviews. I had great fun writing them. If anyone has an idea of a new way to annoy my coworkers I would love to hear it! I have a few ideas brewing but I am always open to suggestions! Thanks again!