Happy birthday, Eric!

Hello Eric! Happy birthday! I hope you are enjoying the nice hot weather. You know me, I miss the snow but you are definitely a...

Happy birthday, Scott!

Happy birthday, sir! Here is your birthday interview conducted with utmost professionalism. I swear. I am not at all nervous to interview my boss, no...

Happy birthday, Jet!

Jet! It’s just after your birthday and I’m sorry our interview is a bit late but I was curating perfect questions just for you. I...

Happy Birthday, Tyler!

Happy birthday Tyler! The builder of all our sites! Everyone is very thankful for all the hard work you do and our websites would be...

Happy Birthday, Curtis!

Happy belated birthday Curtis! Look, with everyone working from home, I was bound to forget someone. I’m very sorry but I will make it up...

Happy Birthday, Bolu!

Happy day of birth Bolu! We know you were probably hoping to plan a huge birthday party this year but this dang pandemic always has...

Happy Birthday, EJ!

I hope you are staying nice and warm during this cold, cold February. Maybe all the birthday candles will keep you warm? Everyone would love...

Happy Birthday, Justine!

Hello, Justine! You are arguably the coolest and funniest person in IT and everyone is your friend. I don’t know what kind of hard-hitting questions...

Happy Birthday, Nic!

Happy birthday Nic! As the youngest person in IT, you have a lot to go to catch up to us dinosaurs. We have some questions...

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

Happy birthday Sarah! Wow! Your b-day should be a national holiday in my opinion. The world wants to know how you feel since a year...